Monday 21 February 2011


and it feels like vintage 90's editorials

thin lizzy?

Old Swan

There is a void, there is a void, and I know this, I know, and it must be filled constantly to keep the chaos out.
With what do you fill yours? Cigarettes, food, alcohol? You don't know, do you. But the void is there. Each moment you hesitate on for longer than a second - TICK - there it is again. Each time you yawn. Each time you hear the rumble of an approaching train, a screech of wheels, a turn of tide. There is goes again. That black pause. The waiting pitted pause, that moment when you think 'why did I go into the kitchen again...' there is it, you can hear it. And when it's silent, dark, perhaps a little cold and you are waiting alone and you hear that rumble/tinkle inside your ears - that's the void calling. 

Sunday 20 February 2011

Sunday 13 February 2011

Sunday 6 February 2011

Friday 4 February 2011

Never Gif-Up.

GIF animations generator

“the current preoccupation with memory can be seen as an attempt to recover a mode of contemplation outside the universe of simulation and high-speed visual information/cable networks. - to claim some anchoring space in a world of puzzling and often threatening heterogeneity, non-synchronicity and information overload.”

“the anxiety of our era has more to do with space than with time. Time probably appears to us only as one of various distorting operations that are possible for the elements that are spread out into space.”

Wednesday 2 February 2011


I want to buy time. 300 thousand years of it. Is that possible? 
Can you do that? Before we hit the draft

Big Fish Little Fish

Wallpaper Design - potentially book cover for my MANIMALS book. 

Woohoo. It's definitely not what you think it looks like. Interpretations accepted. 

Wild Wild West

if your a passive observer 
i got a message for you
your already dead
your already dead